Meeting Agendas

East Hampton Town Trustees Est. 1686

Meeting: July 11, 2022

Agenda I. Roll Call II. Public Comment – Gail Pellett – Stephan Van DamPollinator Pathways/ Native Plants and our WaterwaysRichard Whalen on behalf of 864 SF, LLC c/o Cynthia Crain to renew her annual dock permit.  SCTM# 300-63-3-29.5 III. New Business 2022 Sag Harbor Water Quality Initiative (SHWQI) IV.  Old Business Accabonac Harbor
East Hampton Town Trustees Est. 1686

Meeting: June 27, 2022

Agenda I. Roll Call II. Public Comment III. New Business 2022 Largest Clam Contest: Confirm Date IV. Old Business Final Horseshoe Crab Count for 2021Full Moon Accabonac Harbor Mosquito Larvae Count – June 14 V. Committee Reports Pump-Out Boats: Request from a Boat Captain to name the Boats VI. Administrative
East Hampton Town Trustees Est. 1686

Meeting: June 13, 2022

Agenda  I. Roll Call II.  Public Comment Inter-Science 24 West End Rd, LLC renew Trustee Permit GP #2-21, SCTM# 301-15-3-5.1 for the management of Phragmite Inter -Science Zee I, LLC & Zon II, LLC; 19 & 23 Chauncy Close, Trustee Permit GP #2-20, SCTM# 301-15-1-5+6 for the management of Phragmite III. New

May 23, 2022

Agenda I.   Roll Call II.  Public Comment Timothy Treadwell, Sr Harbormaster, Commanding Officer – Conversation with TrusteesBruce Horwith – Multiple Phragmite Projects III.  New Business IV.   Old Business 2022 Horseshoe Crab Monitoring: Program update Moorings Hampton Waters Moorings UpdateRequest from Greg Verity to moor in Hog Creek V.  Committee Reports Accabonac –

Meeting: May 9, 2022

Agenda I.  Roll Call: II. Public Hearing: Hearing of Public Comment regarding Open Meetings Law Board Discussion Open Meetings Procedures Resolution Proposal(opens in a new tab) III. New Business: Dr. Chris Gobler 2022 Proposal Pride Parade Participation Request Horseshoe Crab Counts Accabonac Marsh Restoration Workshop IV. Old Business: V. Committee Reports: Education: Website Renewal

Meeting: April 25, 2022

Agenda I.    Roll Call II.  Public Comment Request from Chris Vatter for a memorandum of completion for re-construction of bulkhead, deck and shed at 272 Shore Rd Lots 8 & 9 in Lazy Point. III. New Business Review of Open Meetings Law per Chris Carillo Report of shoaling in Accabonac Inlet Kayak Vessel

Website by Michael Hansen