*** Please NOTE *** The application process for the 2025 season will begin at the end of January. Renewal applications will be sent out via email as they were last year. If you prefer to receive a paper copy, please call our office to request one. The waitlists for Accabonac Harbor, Northwest Harbor, Babes Lane and Napeague Harbor will open on January 13, 2025. Due to the increase in demand for moorings at these locations, we will use a lottery system to fill any spots which become vacant. Please include your name, location of interest, email address, phone number, EH Street address, Vessel make/model and length of vessel in the email.
The East Hampton Town Trustees value the commercial and recreational boating traditions of East Hampton. The Trustees manage a mooring program within Accabonac Harbor, Georgica Pond, Napeague Harbor, Northwest Harbor and Three Mile Harbor.
Both rigged line/pulley and offshore/free swinging moorings are offered. The available number of each is dependent upon the harbor. Small motor boats of 25 feet or less and sail boats of 20 feet or less, may apply for a permit in any of the harbors (vacancy dependent). However, any motorized vessel over 25 feet or sailboat over 20 feet MAY ONLY be moored in the Three Mile Harbor Large Boat Mooring Grid.
The Trustees provide renewal permit applications to anyone who held a permit for the prior season as well as offer applications to those wishing to moor a boat for the first time. Renewal applications will be sent out at the end of January/early February for the upcoming season. Please call the Trustee office to inquire about mooring vacancies. Applications are NOT posted to this website but instead are provided by the office itself.
Moorings are NON-TRANSFERABLE, i.e. you may not hold a mooring permit and allow another vessel to utilize it. That includes another vessel registered to the same person. See the Town of East Hampton Code 246-3 Placement of boats, floats, moorings and anchorings. The permit holder’s name must also be on the vessel registration/documentation. If you purchase a new boat and want to attach it to your mooring instead of the old boat, you must contact the office and fill out a transfer to new boat form. This will be strictly enforced and you may be ticketed by Marine Patrol.
An individual is permitted to have one mooring, per harbor. However, an individual may have ONE rigged line/pulley mooring in a harbor where they also have an off-shore/swing mooring, for the purpose of mooring a dinghy to access their larger vessel. For example, an individual may have a vessel in the Large Boat Mooring grid in Three Mile Harbor AND use a pull mooring on shore to hold a tender/dinghy in order to access their larger vessel.
Interested New Mooring applicants should call the Trustee office at 631-267-8688 to inquire about mooring vacancies in their harbor of choice. The small boat moorings are $12 per linear foot for residents and $30 per linear foot for non-residents. The large boat moorings are the same fee plus an additional $75 administrative fee.
If a non-resident plans to stay overnight on their boat, they will need to fill out a supplemental form and pay an additional $12 per linear foot in order to be allowed to stay overnight on their boats. All our Harbors are no discharge zones. The Trustees offer complementary pump out service in Three Mile Harbor and in Montauk Harbor. For moorings in Montauk or on the Bay, please call 631-324-4142, the Town of East Hampton’s Clerk’s office. Please contact our office for more details.