Meeting: July 13, 2020
Agenda I. Roll Call: II. Public Comment: Town Attorney John Jilnicki, Esq. – Proposed Seaplane Legislation Janet Geller – Petition to remove the new Kayak Racks from Louse Point III. New Business: Napeague/Lazy Point: Notification from Mary Croghan, leaseholder of 276 Shore Road, lots 7N & p/o of 6N, in
Meeting: June 22, 2020
Agenda I. Roll Call: II. Public Comment: Steven Boerner and Rick Whalen, Esq: Update report on Trustee holdings in the Northwest section of East Hampton III. New Business: Lazy Point/Napeague: Request from the leaseholder of 204 Shore Road in Lazy Point, Lots #24N and 25N, SCTM# 300-85-1-7.1, to transfer his
Meeting: June 8, 2020
Agenda I. Roll Call: II. Public Comment: III. New Business: IV. Old Business: Dredging of Accabonac InletKayak RacksHorseshoe Crab SurveyBaby BeachResolution to grant underground utility easement to LIPA V. Committee Reports: Accabonac/Hog Creek: Request from Bikoff, owner of 335 Kings Point Road, SCTM # 300-24-1-4, to close out Trustee Permit
Meeting: May 29,2020
Agenda I. Roll Call: II. Public Comment: Long Island Diamondback Terrapin Monitoring ProjectJohn Turner and Mike Bottini Lazy Point De-Watering ProjectDr. Kevin McAllister of Defend H20 Halsey MarinaPeter Mendelman – Emergency application to replace seven pilings III. New Business: Three Mile Harbor: Emergency application received from Halsey Marina, located at
Meeting: May 11, 2020
Agenda I. Roll Call: II. Public Comment: Aquaculture Committee: Dr. Nicole Maher of The Nature Conservancy will discuss the 2020 Accabonac Harbor Mosquito Larvae Survey Napeague/Lazy Point: Power Point presentation from Dr. Mark Laska on behalf of 4 property owners, 611 Lazy Point Road, 619 Lazy Point Road, 621 Lazy
Meeting: April 27, 2020
Minutes: April 27. 2020 Agenda I. Roll Call: II. Public Comment: Dr. Michael McDonald III. New Business: Accabonac/Hog Creek: Dredging of the Accabonac Chokehold Aquaculture: Shellfish Hatchery FLUPSY – Seasonal placement in Head of the Harbor.Powering of Soft Clams – 2020 Season Beaches: Seaplane Legislation Roads: Request from a homeowner