Meeting: October 16, 2020
Agenda I. Roll Call: II. Public Comment: Laurie WiltshireMadeline NarvilasBritton Bistrian III. New Business: Aquaculture: Recent NYSDEC water quality classification changes Napeague/Lazy Point: Request from Susan Stadler who has the leasehold located at 191 Shore Road, Lot 29S at Lazy Point to extend her 6 month lease with, Sabine Tulp
Meeting: September 28, 2020
Agenda I. Roll Call: II. Public Comment: Jennifer Brew – 245 Shore RoadMadeline Narvalis – Whalen FilerScott Dobriner-Eric Brown III. New Business: Vote on two Orsted agreementsJoint proposalGeorgica Pond Sand agreementDiscuss meeting in Town HallScallop Season Napeague/Lazy Point: Clare M. Scott, owner of 245 Shore Road, lot 15S, in Lazy
Meeting: September 14, 2020
Agenda I. Roll Call: II. Public Comment: John Jilnicki Esq. – Seaplane LegislationScott Bluedorn – Bonac BargeScott Dobriner – Inter-ScienceEric Brown – Ackerman PartnersPhilip Weyhe – Accabonac CulvertFrank Moore – Accabonac Culvert III. New Business: Request from the Clearwater Beach Property Owner’s Association to renew their 2019 dredging permit, as
Meeting: August 24, 2020
Agenda I. Roll Call: II. Public Comment: Ira Baracos – Springs Improvement SocietyScott Bluedorn – Floating Art installation III. New Business: Water Quality: Letter of support for low nitrogen septic system forAsawagh Hall – Ira Baracos IV. Old Business: 2020 Largest Clam ContestKayak UpdatePump out Boat V. Committee Reports: Aquaculture:
Meeting: August 10, 2020
Agenda I. Roll Call: II. Public Comment: 1) Jeremy Morton from East Hampton Pointe Marina III. New Business: Legal: Ditch Plains personal injury lawsuit. Napeague/Lazy Point: Request from Charles Whitmore, leaseholder of 192 Shore Road, Lot 28N, in Lazy Point, for permission to sublet his property to Mark Webb a
Meeting: July 27, 2020
Agenda I. Roll Call: II. Public Comment: III. Old Business: Georgica Pond UpdateHorseshoe Crab Survey Update IV. Committee Reports: Aquaculture: Mosquito Larvae Survey Napeague/ Lazy Point: Request from the leaseholder of 204 Shore Road, Lots #24N and # 25N, Mark K. Webb to transfer his lease to Kate Pickett Davis,