Accabonac Harbor – Salt marsh restoration/rehabilitation project
Good News! Accabonac Harbor- Friday, May 21, 2021 – we did a salt marsh walk through the various polygons we survey during the summer months for Suffolk County Vector in an effort to identify the mosquito larvae breeding “hot spots” – this enables SCV to specifically target treatment weekly-Read More
Advocates for a Ban on Balloons
Teachers and mentors, Briar Rose DeTommaso and Brian Schopfer of Avenue Studio Hamptons in East Hampton worked with the students on their service based learning project that involved advocating with local officials, collaborating with the local Surfrider Chapter and utilizing the design thinking framework to support change making in the localRead More
May 24, 2021
Agenda I. Roll Call II. Public Comment The South Fork Wind NYS Fisheries Work Plan Presentation:The Work Plan consists of two studies (fish tagging/acoustic telemetry and a trawl net survey) to be conducted along the proposed South Fork Export Cable route in the nearshore waters off of East Hampton.Read More
Students Pitch East Hampton Town Balloon Ban
“Two years after banning the intentional release of balloons, the East Hampton Town Board appears poised to go further by also enacting a ban on the sale and distribution of filled latex and Mylar balloons. Susan McGraw Keber, a town trustee, was joined by several students and educators atRead More
Sand Replenishment Complete; Downtown Montauk Has Its Beach Back
Some 17,000 cubic yards of sand were deposited on the downtown beach at a cost of $767,000, which is shared by East Hampton Town and Suffolk County. Photo by Jane Bimson. “The annual sand replenishment at the ocean beach in downtown Montauk is complete, East Hampton Town Supervisor PeterRead More
Ocean Beaches
The Trustees generally claim ownership of certain ocean beaches WEST of Napeague Lane to Georgica Association and WEST of Georgica Association to East of Town Line Road.