A new era has begun for New York and America with renewable energy! All 12 turbines are up and running as of March 2024!
It’s a new era for American energy!
All 12 turbines at #SouthForkWind are now complete.
South Fork Wind Status Report
South Fork Wind Farm : If you have any questions about any information or related matter, please call South Fork Wind’s hotline at 631-887-5470 or email them at info@southforkwind.com.
Orsted Wind Farm Up-Date : December 2022

Tom Gogola
Troy Patton, chief operating officer of Orsted Offshore North America, which is building the wind project via a 50-50 partnership with Eversource, was on the scene last week to give an update on the project, which will see the installation, 35 miles to the east off Montauk, of a dozen 11-megawatt wind turbines. The turbines will tie in by an undersea cable, to the land-ho connection point in Wainscott.
Read the full East Hampton Star article here:
Arrival of the Lift Boat “Jill”

To read about the Lift Boat “Jill”, use the scroll bar on the right to view the presentation.
As a condition of the Public Service Commission permits for South Fork Wind / Orsted, attached are PowerPoint presentations by Cornell and Stony Brook on the first year’s data for the telemetry survey off Wainscott, given last Friday, October 7th.
For the full PowerPoint presentation please click on the tab below.
Trawl & Telemetry Surveys Off Wainscott – October 2022

South Fork Wind Trawl Survey

For the full PowerPoint presentation please click on the tab below.
South Fork Wind Virtual Open House & Status Report for October 3, 2022
Starting this coming Monday, October 3rd onshore construction will restart in town roads and work to prepare the Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) phase of construction will begin.
For more information about these next phases of construction please visit our virtual construction room or watch the latest virtual open house we held on September 12th.
In addition, residents should prepare for slight traffic delays and route detours.
- Detours will be in place for trenching across Daniels Hand Road and Stephen Hands Path, as well as for vault installations within or immediately adjacent to Town roadways during work hours. All travel lanes will be open during non-work hours.
- Access to abutting properties will be maintained, at all times during construction. The Project Team will coordinate with property owners regarding potential delays in advance of commencing detours or other work zone scheme.
- Each detour will be in place for approximately one week, weather and other unforeseen circumstance pending.
Detour Maps – Timeline subject to change
- Buckskill Rd Detour -week of 10-3-22
- Stephen Hands Path Truck Detour – week of 10-3-22
- Daniels Hand Crossing Detour – week of 10-10-22
- Stephen Hands Path Detour – week of 10-10-22
- Wainscott Stone Rd Detour – week of 10-10-22
- Wainscott NW Rd Detour – week of 10-17-22
- Wainscott NW Rd near Montauk HWY Detour – week of 10-24-22
- Wainscott NW Rd near Industrial Rd – week of 10-31-22
- Wainscott NW Rd truck Detour – week of 10-31-22
Also, please find linked below the South Fork Wind weekly status report for the week of 10-03-22.
Weekly Status Report – Week of 10-03-22 (Click here)
Click here to view the construction progress map. Purple areas indicate active construction areas and green areas are completed construction.
If you have questions about any of the information in the report or about any other Project-related matters, please contact us at info@southforkwind.com or 631-887-5470.
Best regards,
The South Fork Wind Team
Website: southforkwind.com
Twitter: @SouthForkWind
Facebook: @SouthForkWind
South Fork Wind Farm – Pre-construction Benthic Survey
Pre-construction benthic survey along the South Fork Export cable route in New York state waters is a requirement of the Article VII certificate issued for the South Fork project.
The survey is currently expected to commence in New York State waters on August 23, 2022 and to be completed on August 24, 2022. The survey will involve a vessel called the Rachel K Goodwin transiting at very slow speed (approximately 1-3 knots) along the export cable route taking video/camera images of the seafloor and temporarily holding position at various locations along the route to collect grab samples. At its nearest point, the vessel will be no closer than approximately 1/3 of a mile offshore of Wainscott Beach.
A report will be prepared detailing the results (which will be shared with the agencies), followed by a post-construction survey to do a before/after comparison.
This work is being conducted by INSPIRE Environmental.
Cornell Bottom Trawl Survey Notice
Cornell Cooperative Extension- Marine Program will be conducting a bottom trawl survey throughout NY state waters from Smith Point Inlet to Montauk Point on approximately July 14-20, 2022. Please see below for the Statement from Cornell Cooperative Extension.

Statement Released from Orsted regarding the mooring equipment.
“As part of the fish monitoring study outlined in the SFW Fisheries Study Work Plan, the Stony Brook University team is conducting a regular visit to the sensor array off Wainscott today to collect data from sensors, replace batteries, and deploy new retrievable moorings alongside the previous moorings. As the Stony Brook team is deploying new moorings alongside the existing moorings there’s no change to the mariners briefing, our standard method for updating mariners on the presence of equipment in navigational waters. Members of the fisheries outreach team, in collaboration with the research team, have worked with the fishing community to select an alternative mooring, one that is smaller, lightweight and retrievable, and is more compatible with commercial fishing in response to the feedback we’ve received from the community on original deployment of cement moorings.
Images and Diagram of the Dor-Mor mooring system being utilized.

South Fork Wind Fisheries Study
South Fork Wind Export Cable Trawl Survey
April 21, 2021
South Fork Wind filed its Environmental Management and Construction Plan (EM&CP), as required under Article VII. The EM&CP represents the detailed construction plans for the sub-marine cable in state waters as well as the underground transmission line and interconnection facilities, and the plan accounts for the more than 200 conditions agreed to during the settlement process.
March 2021
January 26, 2021
The Trustees of the Freeholders and Commonalty of the Town of East Hampton have passed a resolution to approve and enter into the following agreements with regard to the South Fork Wind (SFW), LLC’s wind farm project. The Trustees had a public comment meeting on Jan 11, 2021 and held the record open for comments through Jan 22, 2021. The Trustees then discussed this matter, took additional public comment and voted to accept the resolution below during their regularly scheduled public meeting on Monday, Jan. 25, 2021. This meeting was held via ZOOM in accordance with current Open Meeting Laws.
US Army Corps of Engineers
Regulatory Public Notices: NAN-2020-01079-EME
“The applicant, South Fork Wind, LLC, has requested Department of the Army authorization for construction of a wind energy project including associated structures and facilities in the Atlantic Ocean and Lake Montauk, Town of East Hampton, Suffolk County, New York.”