East Hampton Town Trustees

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Meeting: July 8, 2019

Agenda I. Roll Call: II. Public Comment: III. New Business: IV. Old Business: Rick Whalen- roads V. Committee Reports: Accabonac/Hog Creek: Clearwater Beach Property Owner’s Association – SCTM# 300-23-3-1. Request to close out Trustee permit HC #1-18 for 2018-2019 dredgingClearwater Beach Property Owner’s Association – SCTM# 300-23-3-1. Application forRead More
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Meeting: June 24, 2019

Agenda I. Roll Call: II. Public Comment: Lisa Seff – Spring’s School Project in Pussy’s Pond. III. New Business: Largest Clam Contest – Appoint CommitteeRequest from the Village of East Hampton to make two amendments to the East Hampton Village Code Chapter 77 (Beaches), which will require written permissionRead More
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Meeting: June 10, 2019

Agenda I. Roll Call: II. Public Comment: Richard Whalen of Whalen Filer, PLLC/ AttorneysKim Barbour – Cornell Cooperative ExtensionKim Shaw – Director of the Natural Resource Department of the Town of East Hampton III. New Business: Retain Special Counsel IV. Old Business: Powering of Soft ClamsProposal to catalog TrusteeRead More
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Meeting: May 31, 2019

May 31, 2019 Minutes Agenda I. Roll Call: II. Public Comment: III. New Business: Aquaculture: NYSDEC “License to Collect and Possess”.Oyster shell volunteers2019 Mosquito Larvae Survey Georgica: 26 La Forest Lane – SCTM# 301-012-5-3 – Application for phragmite management, buffer restoration and to fill in an existing man-made pondRead More
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Meeting: May 13, 2019

Agenda I. Roll Call: II. Public Comment: Gina Mulhearn – Site coordinator of the Horseshoe Crab Alternative Bait Research Project, Pikes Beach New York III. New Business: Accabonac/Hog Creek: Application from the owner of 305 Kings Point Rd. SCTM# 300-24-12, for bulkhead reconstruction Aquaculture: 2019 Conditional Shellfish Harvest ProgramRead More

Ocean Beaches

The Trustees generally claim ownership of certain ocean beaches WEST of Napeague Lane to Georgica Association and WEST of Georgica Association to East of Town Line Road.

ocean with gentle break

Website by Michael Hansen