Meeting Agendas

Meeting: August 9, 2021

AUGUST 9, 2021 MINUTES Agenda I. Roll Call II. Public Comment Presentation of NW Harbor Area Research FindingsSteven Boerner and Richard Whalen, Esq:Richard Whalen, Esq representing Cynthia Crain, the owner of 864 Springs Fireplace Rd, SCTM # 300-63-3-29.5, regarding the dimensions of her dock. III. New Business Aquaculture Preliminary committee

July 26, 2021

JULY 26, 2021 MINUTES Agenda I. Roll Call II. Public Comment III. New Business Aquaculture Commercial Shellfish Landings Report Napeague/ Lazy Point Request to Transfer the Lease held by Adam and Amy King, tenant at 176 Shore Rd, Lot # 32N in Lazy Point, SCTM #  300-085-1-14.1, to Margaret Ardsley

Meeting: July 12, 2021

Agenda I. Roll Call II. Public Comment Tim O’Rourke – Striped Bass Study III. New Business Beaches 38 Two Mile Hollow Rd – SCTM: 301-10-1-32 – Application for sand fencing Trustee Beach Clean-up at Barcelona Point Beach, also known as the Linda Gronlund Memorial Nature Preserve Napeague/ Lazy Point Illegal

June 28, 2021

Agenda I. Roll Call II. Public Comment III. New Business Georgica/ Ponds New Phragmite Management applications: 53 Cove Hollow Farm Rd – Peconic Land Trust59 Cove Hollow Farm Rd – Peconic Land Trust63 Cove Hollow Farm Rd – Cove Hollow Holdings, LLC3 Chauncey Close Rd – Cove Hollow Holdings, LLC

June 14, 2021

Agenda I. Roll Call II. Public Comment Richard Whalen Esq on behalf of the owner of 864 Springs Fireplace Rd with a request to legalize a change in the size and structure of her dock. III. New Business Aquaculture: Request from Steve Tettelbach, Shellfish Ecologist at the Cornell Cooperative Extension

May 24, 2021

Agenda I. Roll Call II. Public Comment The South Fork Wind NYS Fisheries Work Plan Presentation:The Work Plan consists of two studies (fish tagging/acoustic telemetry and a trawl net survey) to be conducted along the proposed South Fork Export Cable route in the nearshore waters off of East Hampton. South

Website by Michael Hansen