Meeting Agendas

January 24, 2022

Agenda I. Roll Call: II. Public Comment: III. Revisit Tabled Annual Resolutions: Annual Resolution #2022-23 (pg. 27) RE: Harbor Management CommitteeAnnual Resolution #2022-24 (pg. 28) Re: Pump Out Boat Senior Operator wage. IV. New Business: Permit application from Land Use Ecological Services on behalf of Love Shack, LLC at 73 Louse Point Rd.

January 10, 2022

Agenda I. Roll Call II. Public Comment III. Revisit Tabled Annual Resolutions Annual Resolution #2022-23 (pg. 27) RE: Harbor Management CommitteeAnnual Resolution #2022-24 (pg. 28) Re: Pump Out Boat Senior Operator wage. IV. New Business Assignment of CommitteesAccabonac Harbor / Hog Creek:Aquaculture:Beaches:Education:Finance:Georgica/Other Ponds:Harbor Management:Napeague/Lazy Point:Northwest Creek:Pump-Out Boats:Records/Internet/Website:Roads:Three Mile Harbor:Liaison/ Peconic Estuary Program:Liaison/ Energy Sustainability
East Hampton Town Trustees Est. 1686

Organizational Meeting: January 3, 2022

I. Roll Call II. Election of Officer III. Annual Resolutions – Read aloud and to vote on IV. Committee Assignments Accabonac Harbor / Hog Creek Aquaculture Beaches Education Finance Georgica/Other Ponds Harbor Management Napeague/Lazy Point Northwest Creek Pump-Out Boats Records/Internet/Website Roads Three Mile Harbor Liaison/ Peconic Estuary Program Liaison/ Energy

2022 Organizational Meeting

Agenda I. Roll Call: II. Election of Officers III. Annual Resolutions (DRAFT) – Read aloud and to vote on IV. Committee Assignments Accabonac Harbor / Hog Creek:Aquaculture:Beaches:Education:Finance:Georgica/Other Ponds:Harbor Management:Napeague/Lazy Point:Northwest Creek:Pump-Out Boats:Records/Internet/Website:Roads:Three Mile Harbor:Liaison/ Peconic Estuary Program:Liaison/ Energy Sustainability Committee:Liaison/ Nature Preserve Committee: DRAFT ANNUAL RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED 2022 ANNUAL RESOLUTIONS

December 13, 2021

Agenda I. Roll Call: II. Public Comment: Request from Thomas Osborne, Esq. on behalf of the owner of 141 Merchants Path, SCTM # 300-155-01-36.3, to be granted a legal access easement to their property over Trustee Road.Rich Brierley, on behalf of the owners of 19 Chauncey Close – SCTM# 301-15-1-6, requests vote

November 22, 2021

Agenda I. Roll Call: II. Public Comment: John Nicholas, East Hampton Oyster Company – application to utilize part of Sunset Cove Marina for growing oysters commercially. III. New Business: Beaches: Request from Scott Dobriner, from Inter-Science, to renew Trustee permit B #1-21, issued to 85 West End Rd, LLC, SCTM# 301-15-5-14, for Dune

Website by Michael Hansen