Meeting: November 28, 2016


I. Public Comment:

II. New Business:

  1. Beaches: a) Village ZBA Notice of Hearing- Application of Ironman Realty, LLC at 211 Lily Pond Lane
  2. Georgica/Ponds- a) Application of J. Murphy- phragmite removal at 15 Georgica Association Road
  3. Three Mile Harbor- a)Technical Analysis Memos from Planning Department- a) 57 Sammy’s Beach Road and 60 Hedges Banks ; b) Magovern- renewal of bulkhead repair permit (HC #4)
  4. Amendments to 2017 mooring permit applications

III. Old Business:

  1. Trustee Policies and Procedures for Shoreline Fencing
  2. Middle Highway- deed
  3. Georgica Cove Excavation- correspondence from DEC

IV. Committee Reports:

Accabonac/Hog Creek-
  1. Accabonac dredging- status
  2. Clearwater Beach Property Owners Association- maintenance dredging- copy of letter from Army Corps of Engineers
  1. Weprin- sand fence at 51 Marine Boulevard
  2. Application of LPL, LLC- dune restoration, stairway and sand fence
  1. Phragmite control applications: a) One Association Road (MyWifeReallyLikesIt)- updated site plans; b) Ackerman at 290 Georgica Road; c) V. Casmir-Lambert at 15 Chauncey Close; d) David Gallo (Skylight East, LLC) at 94 Apaquogue Road
  2. Dredging/excavation
  3. MMR Real Estate Holdings, LLC- Understanding of Intent received
  4. Hook Pond Bridge- title search
  5. Phragmite removal projects- monitoring report from B. Horwith
Harbor Management-
  1. Meeting results
Three Mile Harbor-
  1. Helfand- 37 Milina Drive- stairway construction
  2. Hoffman- 56 Hedges Banks Drive- inspection

V. Administrative:

  1. Payment of Bills- a) Matthews, Kirst & Cooley, PLLC- Zweig- $900.00; b) East Hampton Marina- $95.25
  2. Minutes- a) August 22, 2016

VI. Report of the Clerk

VII. Correspondence:

  1. Peconic Estuary Program- a) Workshop; b) Outreach and Educational Services
  2. Minutes of Georgica Pond Steering Committee- 11/16/16
  3. Notice of Public Meeting- Suffolk County Shellfish Aquaculture Lease Program

VIII. Legal

Website by Michael Hansen