East Hampton Town Trustees

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Feds Declare Peconic Bay Scallops A Disaster

Federal aid is available to baymen who lost revenue after two dismal scalloping seasons. The U.S. Department of Commerce has declared the Peconic Bay scallop a fishery disaster, making baymen who rely on the harvest of the scallops for income and the efforts to restore the scallop stocks eligibleRead More
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Piping Plover Summer in the Hamptons

Photo courtesy of the East Hampton Department of Natural Resources. Piping plovers are currently nesting and raising young on East Hampton beaches. Please be mindful of these areas and respect blocked off locations. The fencing is up temporarily to provide chicks with protection after they hatch and before theyRead More
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Beach Parking Permits

Reminder New beach parking permits are required this year for East Hampton Town residents. Stickers are free for residents, but you must have a 2021 sticker to park legally at our beaches. Renewal is now required every five years. Permits are issued by the Town Clerk. Info and linkRead More
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Back to In-Person Meetings, With Concerns

Part of the rationale for resuming traditional meetings, said Francis Bock, the trustees’ clerk, is that “when you have in-person meetings, you tend to have more public contribution, engagement.” There was just one caller to Monday’s meeting, he said. “I know some board members would like to get started.”Read More
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June 28, 2021

Agenda I. Roll Call II. Public Comment III. New Business Georgica/ Ponds New Phragmite Management applications: 53 Cove Hollow Farm Rd – Peconic Land Trust59 Cove Hollow Farm Rd – Peconic Land Trust63 Cove Hollow Farm Rd – Cove Hollow Holdings, LLC3 Chauncey Close Rd – Cove Hollow Holdings,Read More

Ocean Beaches

The Trustees generally claim ownership of certain ocean beaches WEST of Napeague Lane to Georgica Association and WEST of Georgica Association to East of Town Line Road.

ocean with gentle break

Website by Michael Hansen