New York State Department of Environmental Conservation:
Special Notice to All Shellfish harvesters in the Town of East Hampton To read the notice, use the gray scroll bar on the right. SNTSH-05-29-2024-East-Hampton-NAPH.Legal-SizeDownloadRead More
Change of Meeting Date: Memorial Day Weekend
Due to the three-day Memorial Day weekend holiday, the next Trustee meeting will be held on Friday, May 31st, at 6:30 p.m. The public is invited to attend or watch the meeting on Local TV, Inc. channel 22!Read More
DEC Urges New York Drivers to ‘Give Turtles a Brake’
Each May and June, Motorists Advised to be on the Alert for Turtles Crossing Roads World Turtle Day is May 23 New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Interim Commissioner Sean Mahar today reminded New Yorkers that turtles are nesting in May and June and encouraged motorists to ‘give turtlesRead More
New “Citizen Scientist” Initiative to Document Coastal Change in the Peconic Estuary
Peter Topping – Peconic Baykeeper: Executive Director & Baykeeper using the “chronolog” Hampton Bays, New York- The Hampton Bays based not-for-profit environmental advocate Peconic Baykeeper, with grant support from the Peconic Estuary Partnership is proud to announce the launch of Project R.I.S.E. (Recording Inundation Surrounding the Estuary), an innovativeRead More
Shellfish Closure Advisory
Please be advised, due to the extremely heavy rainfall, extraordinary amounts of stormwater runoff and the localized flooding associated with the rainfall event of May 15, 2024 through May 16, 2024, all of the area of Northwest Harbor lying southeasterly of a line extending northerly from Barcelona Point toRead More
Ocean Beaches
The Trustees generally claim ownership of certain ocean beaches WEST of Napeague Lane to Georgica Association and WEST of Georgica Association to East of Town Line Road.