Georgica Pond is home to a healthy group of oysters! During the East Hampton Town Trustees meeting a representative from Stony Brook University’s Gobler Lab reported that the oysters growing in Georgica Pond have exceeded what was expected as they are the highest in number the lab has ever seen in Long Island’s waters! This is an amazing and successful experiment which includes the planting of oyster spawns in various locations of Georgica Pond beginning several years past. The locations of the oyster spawning were in the north, central, and south of the pond.
Michael Doall, the associate director of bivalve restoration and aquaculture for Gobler’s Laboratory facility summed up the end results as being a self-sustaining recruitment of juvenile oysters that would join the current population and to ensure a location for them to spawn in the future without the necessity of scientist involvement – a natural occurrence of growth and increase in population.
The presentation and report is promising- to read the entire article from The East Hampton Star by Jack Motz, click on the tab below.