East Hampton Town Trustees

Mosquito Larvae Water Sampling Summer 2024: “Citizen Scientists” Sought to Volunteer

EH Trustees John Aldred and Patrice Dalton at the Springs Advisory Committee ask for “Citizen Scientists” for the annual mosquito larvae water sampling project – Photo Christopher Walsh 27 East / June 18th, 2024 Two members of the East Hampton Town Trustees attended the Springs Citizens Advisory Committee meetingRead More
Oysters in a bucket Photo Susan McGraw-Keber

South Fork Sea Farmers Presents: Oyster Growing Videos Step by Step!

John “Barley” Dunne, Director of The East Hampton Shellfish Hatchery and South Fork Sea Farmers shows how the new oyster seedlings that were grown at the Shellfish Hatchery, are prepared for growing in the harbor waters. John “Barley” Dunne -Director of the EH Shellfish Hatchery 2023 Photo Susan McGraw-KeberRead More
EHHS graduate Dylan Cashin awarded the EH Town Trustees Scholarship Fund 2024

East Hampton High School Senior Awards Night!

This year, the East Hampton Town Trustees Scholarship award was presented to graduating senior, Dylan Cashin. The Trustees read several applications from graduating students, their names, unknown to them. Of those entries, Dylan Cashin’s essay to the Trustees was voted to be outstanding and included her interest in growingRead More
Presentation of Piper Plover report 2024

Piping Plover Report 2023

At the last Trustee meeting of June 10th, Samantha Schurr of the Town of East Hampton Department of Natural Resources gave a presentation about our local Piping Plovers of East Hampton. The annual program helps the town protect this endangered species by cordoning off areas where the plovers haveRead More
Save the Sound logo

Horseshoe Crab Protection Bill Passes NYS Legislation

June 7, 2024 – Larchmont, NY – Long Island Sound’s horseshoe crab population is a big step closer to safety. The State Assembly passed A10140 early Friday evening, followed quickly by the Senate’s passage of companion bill S3185A. The legislation bans the taking of the species for commercial andRead More

Ocean Beaches

The Trustees generally claim ownership of certain ocean beaches WEST of Napeague Lane to Georgica Association and WEST of Georgica Association to East of Town Line Road.

ocean with gentle break

Website by Michael Hansen