Meeting: July 23, 2018


I. Public Comment:

  1. Sara Davison of the Friends of Georgica Pond Foundation
  2. Ray Hinkle of AECOM to give an overview of his report presented to the Trustees on the baseline conditions of Phragmites Australis at Georgica Pond.
  3. Billy Hajek of Hajek Land Planning and Environmental Consulting

II. New Business:

Roads Committee:
  1. Complaint re: gravel placement at 381 Town Line Road
Three Mile Harbor:
  1. Application of Jeffrey Lorell to construct a minimal staircase at 29 Springwood Way

III. Committee Reports:

  1. Accabonac Harbor Mosquito Larvae Survey
  1. An update from Dell Cullum re: trash cans on beaches.
Georgica/Ponds Committee:
  1. Notice of E H Village ZBA Hearing of EEA, ACA and AJAYER Family Limited Partnerships for variances to construct a swimming pool, retaining wall and fencing at 81 Ocean Avenue (fronting Hook Pond)
  2. Application of Clifford Ross for phragmite control at 41 and 47 Cove Hollow Farm Road, Georgica, East Hampton Village.
  1. Rysam Fund Scholarship – Balloon T-Shirt
Harbor Management:
  1. Accabonac Macroalgae Bioextraction Project application received and permit issued.
  2. FLUPSYS application received and permit issued from Sunset Cove Marina and Lion Head Beach Association.
Roads Committee:
  1. Trustee Roads
Three Mile Harbor:
  1. Request from Dennis W. Cole of Cole Environmental Services on behalf of Richard Williams Jr., whose property is located at 3 & 5 Outlook Drive in East Hampton, to close out their bulkhead replacement Trustee permit T #4-17.

IV. Administrative:

  1. Payment of Bills: a) Edson International – $116.50 (Pump-out boat parts; b) Nawrocki Smith – $8000.00 (Financial audit for the year ending Dec. 31, 2017); c) North Fork Water Supply – $70.40; d) Riverhead Building Supply – $652.67 (Materials to build the Gerard Drive kayak racks).
  2. Minutes: a) June 25, 2018; b) July 9, 2018
  3. Financial Reports: a) June 30, 2018
  4. Renewal of the Certificate of Deposit: ended in #5679

V. Report of the Clerk:

VI. Correspondence:

  1. DEC – report on Harmful Algal Blooms
  2. Peconic Estuary Program- Upcoming Events

Website by Michael Hansen