Last year, non-residents without shellfishing permits, came by vans and cars at night to several our waterways including Georgica Pond, Napeague Harbor, and other bodies of water where shellfish are known to inhabitat. In particular, the blue-claw crabs are singled out. The poachers goal has been to disperse and fill their buckets before speeding away in their vehicles without being apprehended by the police or marine patrol. Those who have been caught poaching typically do so without the required town permits to harvest crabs.

The Trustees have jurisdiction over several of the town’s waterways including the bottomlands. Last year, the board invited the Commanding Chief Officer of the Harbors, Tim Tredwell, to discuss the ongoing problem of non-permitted illegal poaching and the taking of undersized shellfish.
Last Fall the Town and Trustees agreed to create an “aggravated” level of violation for poaching that would help to disincentivize those who were considering poaching. The Trustees attorney, Chris Carillo, and the town’s assistant attorney, David McMaster have been consulting with each other to propose five violations that would be elevated to “aggravated offense” that would then permit arrest.