The Trustees of the Freeholders and Commonalty of the Town of East Hampton
Montauk Friends of Erin Parade 2023
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March 26th, 2023 Celebrating with East Hampton Town Trustee’s Deputy Clerk and this year’s Grand Marshal of the parade, Jim Grimes!
Grand Marshal Jim Grimes- and our Deputy ClerkDeputy Clerk Bill Taylor, Clerk Francis Bock, & Deputy Clerk and Grand Marshal Jim GrimesThe East Hampton Town TrusteesSupervisor Peter Van Scoyoc and the EH TrusteesMontauk Friends of Erin Parade policeEastern Long Island Police Pipes & DrumsMontauk Friends of ErinMontauk Friends of Erin spectators arrive!EH Town Trustee attorney Chris Carillo and his baby daughter!Bag pipersSupervisor Peter Van Scoyoc, Clerk of the Trustees Francis Bock, & Trustees Ben Dollinger, John Aldred, & Susan McGraw-KeberDecorating the pump-out boat and truck with Tobias Dollinger, Southampton Town Trustee Ann Welker, and EH Trustee John Aldred.EH Town Trustee and Captain of the Montauk Fire Department, Mike MartinsenMontauk Friends of Erin’s Kathy Keller and Trustee Susan McGraw-KeberTrustee David Cataletto and his eighth grade student, Tony Sarlo of the Middle School.Trustee Ben Dollinger and his wife, Leah, and their daughter, Girl Scout, Louisa.In memory of David Grimes of Montauk – beautiful float by the Montauk Fire DepartmentEast Hampton Councilman David Lys and his daughters.“Slavia Ukraine” Trustee Tim Garneau and flag of UkraineSouthampton Town Trustee Ann Welker, EH Town Trustees Susan McGraw-Keber & Mike Martinsen – and a Montauk Fire Department Captainast Hampton Town Trustees John Aldred & Susan McGraw-KeberEast Hampton Town Supervisor, Judge, Trustees, and Grand Marshal Jim GrimesSouthampton Town Trustee Ann Welker and East Hampton Town Trustee Susan McGraw-Keber – oyster farmers too!Trustee Ben Dollinger and family and friendMontauk Fire DepartmentMontauk Friends of Erin Grand StandMontauk Friends of Erin ParadeGrand StandUntil next year – it’s a Shamrock Wrap!