South Fork Sea Farmers Accabonac Harbor Oyster Reef : Location #1
The purpose of the reef is to remove excess nutrients (nitrates and phosphates) from the water and to provide habitats for a variety of marine species in their juvenile stage. Please see the Power Point below courtesy of the South Fork Sea Farmer’s, Robert Tymann, EdD, Director of Education.
As owners of the bottomlands of Accabonac Harbor, contingent upon SFSF receiving the necessary permits, the East Hampton Town Trustees will support the oyster reef project as proposed by South Fork Sea Farmers- included in this effort are several community organizations including the East Hampton Shellfish Hatchery, Springs School District, Surfrider Long Island Chapter, Cornell Cooperative Extension, and Accabonac Protection Committee and their members. The oyster farming project will be open to residents participation.
An oyster can filtrate up to 50 gallons of water a day – helping to keep our waterways clean is a positive side effect of this project. The Trustees are committed to the preservation and improvement of all our water bodies within our town – oysters can help!

To see the complete South Fork Sea Farmers Oyster Reef project click on the power point link below.