The Gobler Lab at Stony Brook Southampton has begun using a remote controlled Surface Autonomous Vehicle (SAV) to perform real time and wide ranging monitoring of water quality parameters in East Hampton Trustee waters.
Preliminary cruises of the vessel were performed in Georgica Pond on 9/29 and 10/1 (before and after opening the pond to the ocean), Three Mile Harbor on 10/8, Accabonac Harbor on 10/12 and Napeague Harbor on 10/21.
Use of the SAV provides extreme fine-level spatial resolution in pond or harbor-wide readings of salinity, dissolved oxygen, chlorophyll-a and pH.
Inserting the probe unit into the SAV Surface Autonomous Vehicle (SAV) Towing the SAV to its starting position (to save battery power) SAV under way and taking readings Continuous sampling unit with multiple probes Radio command center to guide the SAV