Meeting: February 12, 2018


I. Public Comment:

  1. C. Henn- Surfrider Foundation’s Blue Water Task Force (Water Quality Testing Program)
  2. K. Barbour- Long Island Shellfish Restoration Project

II. New Business:

  1. Georgica- a) Application of Floken, Inc.(K. Joseph) for bulkhead repair, backfill and dock reconstruction at 17 Georgica Association Road (also ZBA Hearing Notice of 2/6/18 re: Grand Leopard Muriel the First, LLC- same as Floken)
  2. Napeague/Lazy Point- a) ZBA Public Hearing Notice of 1/30/18 re: application of A. Saracco at 106 Shore Road
  3. Letter of resignation from R. Whalen
  4. R. Drew- Email Protocol/Web Content Delivery Protocol
  5. Report from Marine Patrol for 2017

III. Old Business:

  1. Georgica Pond- a) dredging (south inlet)- ten-year maintenance permit
  2. Georgica Cove- dredging/excavation of bottleneck
  3. Adopt-a-Beach Program

IV. Committee Reports:

  1. One Association Road- phragmites management
Harbor Management-
  1. Report

V. Administrative:

  1. Payment of Bills: a) .Gov domain ( $400.00; b) Optimum- $165.74; c) A. Tohill- $3,001.25 (Deepwater Wind); d) North Fork Water Supply- $21.47
  2. Minutes: a) January 22, 2018
  3. Financial Reports: a) for the month ended December 31, 2017 (amended); b) for month ended January 31, 2018
  4. 2018 Annual Resolutions to be approved: a) #11- Salary Schedule
  5. Resolution to retain the services of A. Tohill

VI. Report of the Clerk

VII. Correspondence:

  1. Peconic Estuary Program- Upcoming events
  2. Nature Preserve Committee- a) agenda of 2/8/18; b) minutes of 1/11/18

VIII. Legal

Website by Michael Hansen