When you educate one person you can change a life, when you educate many you can change the world.
Shai Reshef
At the first organizational meeting of the New Year January 9th, 2023, the Trustees voted to rename the scholarship fund – “The East Hampton Town Trustees Scholarship”.
The Trustees scholarship fund remains committed to the purpose of helping our local East Hampton High School graduating students achieve their goal to seek higher education that will benefit our communities and beyond – our planet.
The criteria for applying for the Trustees scholarship fund:
- Financial need considered — requires Financial and Family Information Form (last page of application) must be completed
- Essay 500 words
Essay Question: “Why are the Trustees body of government important to our community and what do they do for the community?” - Community Service
- Must be majoring in environmental studies, fisheries, science, oceanography, renewable engery or maring biology.
- Character letters of recommendation
- Must provide proof of enrollment for award
Applicants are required to submit an 500 word essay to the Trustees, in which they describe their knowledge of the history and current relevance of the East Hampton Town Trustees as the stewards of the town’s natural environment and resources. Applicants are also asked how the Trustees responsibilities contribute to the community, themselves and their families.
The Trustees believe the future of our community leadership, country, and world, depend upon our young people having the opportunity to explore, learn, and develop their talents through their pursuit of higher education.