UPDATE: Emergency Shellfishing Closures
Please be advised, the Emergency Shellfish Closures enacted by the New York State DEC on December 10-11, 2024 have been updated. The following areas remain closed to shellfishing: All that area lying within a 250-yard radius from the orange monument located on the southern shoreline at the entrance toRead More
Six Seasons – Scanty Scallops
Scallops Photo by Jon M. Diat EH Star For the sixth season in a row, scallops have been hard to come by to harvest on the East End. Nantucket has a different story though…with more adult scallops found in Nantucket Harbor since 2012- read on for more information byRead More
Plastic Free Holiday Gift Ideas
Beyond Plastics has a few ideas for gift giving this holiday season and none of them include the purchase of plastic items – If there’s one time of the year that’s become synonymous with over-consumption and waste, it’s the holiday season. Fortunately, you can spread cheer with thoughtful giftsRead More
Emergency Shellfishing Closures
Please be advised, due to the extremely heavy rainfall, stormwater runoff and localized street flooding associated with the rainfall event of December 10,2024 through December 11, 2204, the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Shellfisheries Bureau has issued a temporary closures to the harvest of shellfish at theRead More
Meeting: December 9, 2024
Agenda I. Roll Call II. Public Comment EHHS Students & Bob Tymann – update on Oyster Reef project III. New Business Beaches Request from Eric Brown, Esq. of the Law Office of Ackerman, Pachman, Brown et al, to use the parking lot at the end of Atlantic Beach forRead More
Ocean Beaches
The Trustees generally claim ownership of certain ocean beaches WEST of Napeague Lane to Georgica Association and WEST of Georgica Association to East of Town Line Road.