East Hampton Town Trustees

Montauk Harbor The blessing of the fleet 2023 Photo Jane Bimson EH Star

Trustees: Fewer Seasonal Boats for 2023 Summer

Boats returning to Lake Montauk this June after the Blessing of the Fleet. Judging from the volume of boat pumpouts, the town trustees say recreational boating has slackened in Lake Montauk this year. Higher costs and diminished Covid concerns are blamed. Jane Bimson The Trustees will soon calculate thisRead More
"Supermoon" August 30 2023 NASA

Look Up Tonight: It’s a Super Blue Moon!

Photo NASA So-called “super” because it’s slightly closer to Earth and “blue” because it’s the second full moon in a month. It peaks at 9:36pm ET on Aug. 30 (0136 UTC on Aug. 31). Tonight: The full Moon will be Wednesday night, August 30, 2023, appearing opposite the SunRead More
A species of waterborne bacteria that can cause life-threatening wound infections has killed three people and sickened others in New York and Connecticut. One East Hampton Town resident was sickened after swimming off Gerard Drive in Springs. Christopher Walsh

Concerning Vibrio Vulnificus: A Pathogenic Waterborne Bacterium

A species of waterborne bacteria that can cause life-threatening wound infections has killed three people and sickened others in New York and Connecticut. One East Hampton Town resident was sickened after swimming off Gerard Drive in Springs. Photo & article: Christopher Walsh East Hampton Star *Tune in to theRead More
East Hampton Town Trustees Est. 1686

Meeting: August 28, 2023

Agenda I. Roll Call II. Public Comment Request from South Fork Sea Farmers, Bob Tyman, Nicholas Cooper and Jocelyn Garcia, for permit modifications to Trustee Permits A-2-22 and A-3-22 to relocate the reef sites. III. New Business 2023 Largest Clam Contest IV. Old Business V. Committee Reports VI. AdministrativeRead More

Pump Out Station Closure

Please be ADVISED: The Montauk Self-Serve Pump Out station will be CLOSED on SEPT. 5, 2023 for the installation of the new, upgraded holding tank system. The installation may take two to three days. The station will NOT be operational during this period. Please plan accordingly. Have your vesselRead More

Ocean Beaches

The Trustees generally claim ownership of certain ocean beaches WEST of Napeague Lane to Georgica Association and WEST of Georgica Association to East of Town Line Road.

ocean with gentle break

Website by Michael Hansen