Do Good Be Good Club
What’s going on with the new East Hampton Middle School’s community service club “Do Good Be Good” efforts? East Hampton Town Trustee David Cataletto, is also a middle school teacher, oyster farmer with the East Hampton Shellfish Hatchery, and the Director of the newly founded community service club, “DoRead More
Salt Marshes and Why We Need to Protect Them – 11 Facts
Accabonac Harbor salt marsh. Photo Susan McGraw-Keber One of the most beautiful landscapes on the east end is undeniably the saltmarsh of Accabonac Harbor. Accabonac derives from the Indian name for “place where·ground-nuts grow”, tubers that the Indians boiled and ate, also referred to as the Indian potato. FromRead More
Bay Scallops Fail for the Sixth Year
Brooke Del Prete and Mike Bunn with bags of scallops that marine biologists from the Cornell Cooperative Extension are using to track mortality and survivability rates of various strains of bay scallops in the Peconic estuary. Photo Mike Wright Since 2019 Peconic Bay scallops have been dying in massiveRead More
Meeting: October 28, 2024
Agenda I. Roll Call II. Public Comment III. New Business IV. Old Business USGS Buoy in Georgica Pond Sag Harbor and North Haven Water Quality Initiative Agreements V. Committee Reports Accabonac Request from Keith Grimes, Inc on behalf of 91 Water’s Edge to renew Trustee Permit A-3-23 for bulkheadRead More
Ocean Beaches
The Trustees generally claim ownership of certain ocean beaches WEST of Napeague Lane to Georgica Association and WEST of Georgica Association to East of Town Line Road.