East Hampton Town Trustees

Fertilizer information English

Be Smart With Fertilizer & Commercial Leaf Blower Rules

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The East Hampton Town Trustees finalized new dock policies this week and bid farewell to their colleague Susan McGraw Keber, who served three terms. Christopher Walsh

Trustees Vote to Ban Docks in Three Mile Harbor, Ponds, Bottomlands & Northwest Creek

The East Hampton Town Trustees finalized new dock policies this week and bid farewell to their colleague Susan McGraw -Keber, who served three terms. Photo: Christopher Walsh The last Trustee meeting of the 2023 year was held on Monday, December 11th. “During the meeting, the East Hampton Town TrusteesRead More
ChangeHamptons! illustration photo of Earth

ChangeHampton! End of Year Summary : What We Can Do for Our Planet

You already know what we are facing—after the hottest year on record in the US since we started recording temps in 1880;  forest fires, floods, droughts, the impact of rising temperatures on our forests, agriculture, oceans and marine life; the complexity of contaminants in our drinking water and bays,Read More
East Hampton Town Trustees Est. 1686

Meeting: December 11, 2023

Agenda I. Roll Call II. Public Comment III. New Business Proposed New Kayak Lottery Entry Process PEP – Water Quality App Project Dr. Gobler- PEP – Peconic CHANGES Project site considerations Northwest Harbor Trustee Record Digitization Georgica Dredging Bid Results IV. Old Business Docks – Resolutions resulting from comprehensiveRead More
Surfrider's Skip the Stuff Bill invitation to the public for a Village of East Hampton hearing.

Surfrider Foundation Eastern L.I. Event- “Skip the Stuff”

A nationwide campaign to stop billions of unused straw, utensils, napkins, condiment packets, and other accessories that are routinely included take-out and delivery orders. Surfrider Foundation of Eastern Long Island Chapter is attending a public meeting on December 15th at 10:30AM at LTV Studios: 75 Industrial Road, Wainscott. TheRead More

Ocean Beaches

The Trustees generally claim ownership of certain ocean beaches WEST of Napeague Lane to Georgica Association and WEST of Georgica Association to East of Town Line Road.

Beach sunset of pink and blue wih the Moon

Website by Michael Hansen