East Hampton Town Trustees

Pete Topping Executive Director & Baykeeper using the "chronolog" to capture images of the bay.

New “Citizen Scientist” Initiative to Document Coastal Change in the Peconic Estuary

Peter Topping – Peconic Baykeeper: Executive Director & Baykeeper using the “chronolog” Hampton Bays, New York- The Hampton Bays based not-for-profit environmental advocate Peconic Baykeeper, with grant support from the Peconic Estuary Partnership is proud to announce the launch of Project R.I.S.E. (Recording Inundation Surrounding the Estuary), an innovativeRead More
A map highlighting the Shellfish closures per the New York State DEC in the Town of East Hampton.

Shellfish Closure Advisory

Please be advised, due to the extremely heavy rainfall, extraordinary amounts of stormwater runoff and the localized flooding associated with the rainfall event of May 15, 2024 through May 16, 2024, all of the area of Northwest Harbor lying southeasterly of a line extending northerly from Barcelona Point toRead More
EH Litter Action Committee at Lazy Pt for a beach and road clean up- May 11, 2024

Lazy Point Association Cleans-Up the Beaches & Roads

On May 11th at 9AM, the members of the Lazy Point Association gathered at the boat launch to help pick up litter on the beaches and roads in their community. The Town of East Hampton Litter Action Committee organized a month-long effort entitled “No-Fling Spring” at various locations designatedRead More
East Hampton Town Trustees Est. 1686

Meeting: May 13, 2024

Agenda I. Roll Call II. Public Comment Larry Kane and George Kane, requesting approval to purchase the lease at 281 Shore Rd, SCTM # 300-84-9-1.1, Lots # 6S & 7S in Lazy Point, Napeague. Billy Mack, of First Coastal, on behalf of Green Acres LLC, Robert Rifkind, owner ofRead More
Horseshoe female & male

Horseshoe Crab Spawning May 7th 2024

A tagged horseshoe crab was discovered at Flying Point in Southampton by photographer and resident Danny Sit at the end of April this year. The photo was sent to Cornell Cooperative Extension Marine Program’s Matt Sclafani, Marine Educator. Jennifer Lander of the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) andRead More

Ocean Beaches

The Trustees generally claim ownership of certain ocean beaches WEST of Napeague Lane to Georgica Association and WEST of Georgica Association to East of Town Line Road.

Beach sunset of pink and blue wih the Moon

Website by Michael Hansen