East Hampton Town Trustees

Montauk School photo

Montauk School’s Annual Science Fair 2024

The annual Montauk School Science Fair is always an exciting event for students, teachers, parents, and judges alike. This year it was held on Friday, January 26th – from 10AM – 3PM in the school’s gymnasium. The participants included students in grades 4 – 8th. Montauk School photo TrusteeRead More
Georgica Pond Dredging January 2023

Trustees Dredge Georgica Pond

Georgica Pond Dredging January 2024 Photo Friends of Georgica Pond Foundation The East Hampton Town Trustees started the annual dredging of Georgica Pond a few days ago. Dredging helps to maintain the health of the pond by allowing it to flush into the ocean, taking with it an abundanceRead More
John "Barley" Dunne , Director of the East Hampton Shellfish Hatchery - Seeding on Three Mile Harbor with the students of EH Middle School 2023

East Hampton Shellfish Hatchery : Time to Register for Oyster Gardening 2024

Oyster gardening maintenance Photo Susan McGraw-Keber If you’re a seasoned oyster gardener or someone who would like to grow your own oysters for the first time, now is the time to sign up for The East Hampton Shellfish Hatchery’s 2024 season! EHSEED information 2024Download EHSEED APPLICATION-NEWDownload EHSEED application RETURNINGDownloadRead More
Kelp at Stony Brook Southampton University

Sugar Kelp Approved to Grow in Trustee Waters

Stony Brook Southampton University- Kelp -News12 LI photo “The East Hampton Town Trustees voted unanimously on Monday (January 22) to grant a request from Christopher Gobler of Stony Brook University’s School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences for a research project to grow sugar kelp in waters under trustee jurisdictionRead More
EHHS sophomore student Finn O'Rourke receives funds from the Trustees for his shark study project.

Trustees Grant Funds to EHHS Student for a Shark Study

EHHS sophomore Finn O’Rourke describes shark study he is conducting 1/22/24 At the January 22nd Trustee meeting, Finn O’Rourke, an East Hampton High School sophomore, presented his shark project to be conducted beginning this year and continuing through 2026 when he will graduate. Finn is studying with his scienceRead More

Ocean Beaches

The Trustees generally claim ownership of certain ocean beaches WEST of Napeague Lane to Georgica Association and WEST of Georgica Association to East of Town Line Road.

ocean with gentle break

Website by Michael Hansen