Fish Traps
Trustee Fish Trap Permits are issued on an annual basis.
The application must be submitted with an updated copy of the applicant’s driver’s license and a map indicating location of fish trap.
Fee: $20.00 per fish trap
Shell Fishing
A permit is required for the taking of any shellfish or shellfish predator for any person twelve (12) years or over who is a resident or taxpayer in the Town of East Hampton.
For a Shellfish Permit contact the Town Clerk’s office at 631-324-4142. Permittee’s will be given a copy of the current East Hampton Town Shellfish Ordinance at that time.
You may obtain shellfish bags and tags both at the Trustees’ Office and at Town Hall.
- Commercial Shellfish bags: $1.00 each
- Non-commercial Shellfish bags: $1.00 each
Shellfish Tags:
- First 50 tags are free.
- Next 100 tags are $10.00
Shellfish Tags and Bags can be obtained at the Trustees office at 267 Bluff Road in Amagansett – 9am to 1 pm 2:30 to 4 pm