At the last Trustee meeting of June 10th, Samantha Schurr of the Town of East Hampton Department of Natural Resources gave a presentation about our local Piping Plovers of East Hampton. The annual program helps the town protect this endangered species by cordoning off areas where the plovers have laid their eggs. East Hampton has been successful in preserving the species and continues to monitor the hatchlings as they arrive. Note: When walking on the beach avoid the areas that are marked and keep dogs out of those areas. For the complete report click on the tab below. PIPING PLOVER
June 7, 2024 – Larchmont, NY – Long Island Sound’s horseshoe crab population is a big step closer to safety. The State Assembly passed A10140 early Friday evening, followed quickly by the Senate’s passage of companion bill S3185A. The legislation bans the taking of the species for commercial and biomedical purposes. It allows takings for scientific and educational purposes, to be regulated by the Department of Environmental Conservation. “This is a terrific victory for a threatened species,” said David Ansel, vice president of water protection for Save the Sound. “Horseshoe crabs have been virtually unchanged for 450 million years and survived
Date: Thursday – June 20th Time: 5:30 – 6:30PM Subject: Join trustee David Cataletto to learn about the incredible history of the heroes and tragedies from early colonial days to 1900’s. Hear a few Sea Shanties at the end of the presentation! To register for this FREE event email:
Native plant guides for most regions of the U.S. for feeding the hummingbirds. Did you know that 80% of a hummingbird’s diet is insect protein! Planting native plants on your property will also supply the hummingbird with the insects necessary for survival. For complete information from (U.S. Department of Agriculture) about wildflowers, pollinators, and how to attract hummingbirds click on the link below: (pdf)
Wainscott Pond PhotoL Doug Kuntz EH Star The season’s first toxic algal bloom in a South Fork body of water has been detected in Wainscott Pond, the County Department of Health Services announced Monday. “Due to these findings, health officials ask residents not to use or recreate in these waters and keep their children and pets away from the area,” the department said in a statement. Stony Brook University performed the analysis. The blue-green algae, which are naturally present in lakes and ponds here, have risen to concerning levels, with “floating scums on the surface of the water” that give
The third annual Hampton Pride Parade took place on a sublime June 1st Saturday -the sun was shining and the skies were blue- the multi-colored rainbow flags were flying and everyone was in a festive mood! The Trustee’s truck was adorned with a Pride flag- Deputy Clerk Bill Taylor and Trustee David Cataletto joined the long line of organizations and clubs who participated – Bill Taylor and David Cataletto June 1 2024 Hampton Pride Parade Hamptons PRIDE parade June 1 2024 poster HAPPY PRIDE MONTH 2024!
Applications are now being accepted by organizations or property owners in the Town of East Hampton. TOWN OF EAST HAMPTON ACCEPTING GRANT APPLICATIONS FOR SECOND ROUND OF WATER QUALITY IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS IN 2024 The Town of East Hampton announced this week that it would be issuing the second round of a Request for Applications (RFA) of 2024 to award grant funding up to a total of $1,500,000 for water quality improvement projects. The Water Quality Technical Advisory Committee established this bi-annual process to allow applicants wishing to obtain grant funding for water quality improvement projects to be considered. Through this
Date: June 9th- Sunday at Montauk Library 4:00 – 5:30pm RSVP as seating is limited. Go
Special Notice to All Shellfish harvesters in the Town of East Hampton To read the notice, use the gray scroll bar on the right. SNTSH-05-29-2024-East-Hampton-NAPH.Legal-SizeDownload
Each May and June, Motorists Advised to be on the Alert for Turtles Crossing Roads World Turtle Day is May 23 New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Interim Commissioner Sean Mahar today reminded New Yorkers that turtles are nesting in May and June and encouraged motorists to ‘give turtles a brake.’ In New York, thousands of turtles are killed each year by unsuspecting drivers when turtles cross roads to find nesting areas. “Vehicle strikes are a major cause of mortality among turtles and at this time of year, turtles are particularly vulnerable as they seek sandy areas or loose soil
Peter Topping – Peconic Baykeeper: Executive Director & Baykeeper using the “chronolog” Hampton Bays, New York- The Hampton Bays based not-for-profit environmental advocate Peconic Baykeeper, with grant support from the Peconic Estuary Partnership is proud to announce the launch of Project R.I.S.E. (Recording Inundation Surrounding the Estuary), an innovative community science and outreach initiative aimed at engaging the East End community in documenting coastal changes surrounding the Peconic Estuary. To date, Peconic Baykeeper has worked with nine different site partners for this project which will use a community science platform called “chronolog” to capture images from each site over an
“As part of the fish monitoring study outlined in the SFW Fisheries Study Work Plan, the Stony Brook University team is conducting a regular visit to the sensor array off Wainscott today to collect data from sensors, replace batteries, and deploy new retrievable moorings alongside the previous moorings. As the Stony Brook team is deploying new moorings alongside the existing moorings there’s no change to the mariners briefing, our standard method for updating mariners on the presence of equipment in navigational waters. Members of the fisheries outreach team, in collaboration with the research team, have worked with the fishing community to select an alternative mooring, one that is smaller, lightweight and retrievable, and is more compatible with commercial fishing in response to the feedback we’ve received from the community on original deployment of cement moorings.”