News & Events

Cornell Cooperative Ext. offers planting of eel grass October 2023
Cornell Cooperative Extension To Host Marine Meadows Workshop at Havens Beach on Saturday, October 21st – 10AM – 2PM Public Welcome! DCIM\100GOPRO\GOPR0929.JPG Eelgrass serves as a habitat for oysters. Oysters help filter and keep our waterways clean. With funding support from the community, Cornell Cooperative Extension’s Marine Team will host a Marine Meadows Workshop on October 21, at Havens Beach, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The team will bring adult eelgrass shoots to shore for processing, inviting the community to get involved in an eelgrass restoration project by helping weave eelgrass shoots into burlap “tortillas” for transplanting. DCIM100GOPROG0083748.JPG Full
Amagansett Life-Saving Station FREE presentation poster
East Hampton Town Trustee David Cataletto will moderate this FREE event.
Town of East Hampton 375th Anniversary poster October 14, 2023 parade celebration
October 14, 2023 – Saturday – After postponing the parade previously due to inclement weather, the Town of East Hampton lucked out in the morning with a few hours of no rain – just cloudy skies. This year’s Grand Marshal was Chief Robert Pharaoh of the Montauketts, as announced last month by Supervisor Peter Van Scoyoc. “The members of the Montauk Indian Nation were the original indigenous inhabitants of the area that in 1648 was incorporated into the Town of East Hampton. While the tribe continues to exist, “even after losing its original homelands, including areas of Montauk such as
Cornell Bottom Trawl Survey Notice & charts October 2023
Cornell Cooperative Extension -Marine Program will conduct a bottom trawl survey throughout New York State waters from Smith Point Inlet to Montauk Point on approximately October 16-23, 2023.
Georgica Pond cut to the ocean waters October 11, 2023
October 11, 2023 Photos: East Hampton Town Trustee John Aldred The Trustees open Georgica Pond twice a year to the ocean—in the Fall and Spring. The cut provides a balanced salinity, oxygen, and migration of fish and other living organisms inhabiting the pond that benefit each. Historically, the letting of the pond has been done since pre-colonial times. On October 11, 2023, the East Hampton Town Trustees opened Georgica Pond to the ocean. The goal of the Fall letting is to provide tidal exchange between the ocean and the pond. The next cut will be scheduled during Spring 2024. Attending the bi-annual event
Cancelled 33rd Event and Clam Contest poster
The Trustees have cancelled BOTH the contest and the event due to the DEC NY shellfish harvesting closures. Please read the article in The East Hampton Star for all the information written by Christopher Walsh. There is more about the cause of the cancellation here on the Trustee website under “News & Events.” EH STAR
Spotted Lanternfly Life Cycle Illustration
Recently, community members have spotted the invasive Spotted Lanternfly. An invasive species, they originate from various parts of Asia, including China and Vietnam. While not dangerous to humans, they destroy plants and trees and will eventually cause widespread economic harm. Experts say those hesitant to kill lanternflies they spot need to know that the choice is either squash or spread. The NYS Department of Conservation:
Annual oyster seeding in Three Mile Harbor with EH Shellfish Hatchery, Two Trustees, Teachers, and students of Surfrider Junior Club EH Middle School 2
It was a perfect early Fall day on October 5th for paddle boarding and seeding Three Mile Harbor with 25,000 oysters from the East Hampton Town Shellfish Hatchery with Director, John “Barley” Dunne. In time, if all goes well with water temperatures and weather conditions, the oysters will mature enough to be harvested by our fisheries. In the meantime- FUN FACT: Did you know? According to the NOAA: Oysters feed by filtering algae from the water, ultimately removing nutrients from the water, which, in excess, can degrade the aquatic environment. A single adult oyster can filter more than 50 gallons of water
Crate of oysters ready to seed the harbor
Shellfish Dealers and Shellfish Harvesters in the Towns of Huntington and East Hampton DEC-Shellfisheries collected water samples in several of the areas that DEC designated as temporarily uncertified (closed) on September 29, 2023 and September 30, 2023, after the extraordinary rainfall event in excess of three (3) inches in Nassau and Suffolk Counties on September 28-30, 2023.  Sample test results collected from those areas that have remained closed since September 29 and September 30, 2023, indicated that the following areas can be re-opened to the harvest of shellfish.  Effective at 1200 EDT, Thursday, October 5, 2023, the following areas are reopened
Cancelled 33rd Event and Clam Contest poster
We are canceling both the contest and the event due to the DEC NY shellfish harvesting closures.
closure shellfish east hampton
Effective immediately, the following areas are closed to the harvest of shellfish: Town of East Hampton: All that area of Northwest Harbor, including its tributaries lying easterly of a line extending northerly from Barcelona Point to Cedar Point; Three Mile Harbor, Hog Creek, and Accabonac Harbor. Information about temporary closures and reopenings will be available on a recorded message available at : 631-444-0480 and the DEC website: DEC NY You may also call the DEC-Bureau of Shellfisheries at 631-444-0492 during regular office hours M-F 8:00AM to 4:00PM
Celebrating Bonac event poster
Sea Shanties performed by Town of East Hampton Supervisor Peter Van Scoyoc and East Hampton Town Trustee David Cataletto! Sunday, October 1st – 3 to 5 PM / Duck Creek Arts / East Hampton

Statement from Orsted Regarding Mooring System in Use

“As part of the fish monitoring study outlined in the SFW Fisheries Study Work Plan, the Stony Brook University team is conducting a regular visit to the sensor array off Wainscott today to collect data from sensors, replace batteries, and deploy new retrievable moorings alongside the previous moorings. As the Stony Brook team is deploying new moorings alongside the existing moorings there’s no change to the mariners briefing, our standard method for updating mariners on the presence of equipment in navigational waters. Members of the fisheries outreach team, in collaboration with the research team, have worked with the fishing community to select an alternative mooring, one that is smaller, lightweight and retrievable, and is more compatible with commercial fishing in response to the feedback we’ve received from the community on original deployment of cement moorings.”

Images of the mooring system and a diagram are shown below.

Website by Michael Hansen