NYS DEC Temporary Shellfish Closures
Coastal Assessment Resiliency Plan
Discover Workshops and Meetings on the Town website for coastal resiliency.
What is a RIP Current?

East Hampton Trustees
- Cartwright Island Historical Research The report is the opinion of a local historian expert. We are happy to review other opinions and add them also.
- General Permit Instructions
- Trustee Special Event Consent Form
- Horseshoe Crab Monitoring
Please note: The links below are meant for informational purposes only.
This does not constitute an endorsement of any information, product, or service on the external site. If any content is incorrect, incomplete, or outdated, please direct your comments or concerns to the appropriate entities.
East Hampton
- Town of East Hampton
- Village of East Hampton
- A Guide to Native Plants,Natural Plant Communities and Exotic and Invasive Species in the Town of East Hampton
- East Hampton Scenic Areas of Statewide Significance
- East Hampton Shellfish Ordinance 2019
- East Hampton Town Shellfish Hatchery
- Piping Plover General Information
Important Information
- Amagansett U.S. Life-Saving & Coast Guard Station
- East End Ocean Rescue Webcam
- Tide Chart for East Hampton
- Bathing Beach Advisories and Closures
- Cornell Cooperative Extension Marine Meadows Program
- What is a RIP CURRENT? General NOAA information
- Peconic Estuary Program
- Septic System Information
- Storm Water Information from the Village of East Hampton
- Temporary Emergency Shellfish Closures
- Tropical Weather and Hurricane Information
- Mosquito and West Nile Virus info from CDC
- Mosquito Control
- Tick and Lyme Disease Flyer
- NYS Department of Health Blue Green Algae Blooms
Marine Water Quality Links
- Brown Tide Research at Stony Brook University
- EPA Office of Water
- Hypoxia: What is it and what are the causes?
- Long Island Nitrogen Action Plan Newsletter, Kelp Farming, LI Sound Study
- National Estuary Program
- NYS DEC – Harmful Algal Bloom Interactive Map
- Peconic Estuary Program
- Suffolk County Storm Water Management
- Storm Water Information from the Village of East Hampton
- The UNESCO Harmful Algal Bloom Program
- USGS Water Resources Website