Meeting: June 10, 2024


I. Roll Call

II. Public Comment

  • Kim Shaw – Piping Plover Monitoring program presentation

III. New Business

  • Flamingo update
  • Coastal Resilience Forum Montauk

IV. Old Business

V. Committee Reports

Accabonac / Hog Creek

  • Louse Point Launch Ramp
  • Louse Point Channel Dredge


  • Meeting update

VI. Administrative

  • Payment of the bills: Seacoast Enterprises – $595.36 – dock lines/fender/paint; East Hampton Marina – $75 – fuel/supplies; Riverhead Building Supply – $384.03 – pump out boat season prep supplies; Montauk Marine Basin – $222.57 – Fuel.
  • Financials: The financials for month ending March 2024 are available for review.

VII. Report of the Clerk

Website by Michael Hansen