Woods Hole, Mass. (Thursday, Sept 7, 2023) – Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) researchers are among the 17 projects that have been awarded funding by NOAA’s Ocean Acidification Program on behalf of the National Oceanographic Partnership Program (NOPP). The funding is the first large-scale public investment of research specifically focused on marine Carbon Dioxide Removal (mCDR), with a goal of expanding understanding of mCDR, including co-benefits and risks, and addressing gaps in the science needed to build regulatory frameworks for testing and scaling of mCDR approaches.
The projects range from macroalgal cultivation, ocean alkalinity enhancement, enhanced weathering, and electrochemical approaches, and include lab experiments, modeling, field trials, and engaging communities to understand the impacts and effectiveness of various marine carbon dioxide removal strategies. Much of the work aligns with recommended research priorities of the NOAA Strategy for Carbon Dioxide Removal Research.
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