A Trustee Permit General Application form must be submitted for all dredging or excavation projects.
Maintenance dredging and excavation is generally permitted. In addition to the Trustee application, applicants should determine if permission is required from any other agency. Any proposed project may not be undertaken without obtaining a Trustee permit. Violators are subject to fines.
Application Fees: $125.00 for the first application and $100.00 per renewal, plus $7.50 per cubic yard of dredged/excavated material. $350.00 minimum fee.
As per Trustee resolution #22 of 1984, the Trustees adopted a policy prohibiting the construction of any new piers or docks, fixed or floating, in the following bodies of water within their jurisdiction: Accabonac Harbor, Georgica Pond, Georgica Cove, Hands Creek (Three Mile Harbor), Hook Pond, Napeague Harbor, Northwest Creek, and Wainscott Pond.
On December 8, 1987, said resolution was amended by resolution #157 to include Hog Creek, and that portion of Three Mile Harbor lying south of the line extending from the northeast corner of Suffolk County Tax Map Parcel #300-92-6-1 (on the west side of Three Mile Harbor) eastward to the northwest corner of Suffolk County Tax Map Parcel #300-94-6-1 (on the east side of Three Mile Harbor at the south end of Will Curl Highway).
Only replacement in kind and in place shall be permitted for marinas lying south of the said line in Three Mile Harbor.
By resolution #46/91 an amendment to the Three Mile Harbor dock policy was altered to allow for extensions to existing docks in circumstances where the public will not be impeded, and there will be a minimal effect on the environment.
A Trustee Permit General Application must be submitted for all dock repair or replacement.
Proposed projects to repair or replace a dock must not be undertaken without first obtaining a Trustee permit.
Violators are subject to fines and the cost of removal.
Applicants should also determine if permission is required from any other agency.
Fees: $125.00 for the first application and $100.00 per renewal.
Annual Dock Agreements
Dock Agreements for all legally recognized structures are sent to upland owners annually by the Trustee office.
The Trustee Dock Agreement describes the location and size of the structure located on public bottomlands.
Annual Inspection Fees
Private structures: $4.00 per linear foot
Commercial structures: $4.00 per linear foot
Free-standing pilings: $18.00 per piling
Stairways landing on Trustees beach: $200.00.
Other structures per square foot: $4.00