North Atlantic Right Whales

NOAA Fisheries

ATTENTION BOATERS OFF OF NJ AND NY: Aggregations of North Atlantic Right Whales are Foraging Offshore of New Jersey and New York

NOAA Fisheries sent this bulletin at 07/12/2024 01:38 PM EDT

NOAA Fisheries - New England - Mid Atlantic Bulletin

July 12, 2024ATTENTION BOATERS OFF OF NJ AND NY: Aggregations of North Atlantic Right Whales are Foraging Offshore of New Jersey and New YorkTwo Dynamic Management Areas/Right Whale Slow Zones have been declared near Hudson Canyon where right whales have been sighted. Mariners are requested to avoid or transit at 10 knots or less inside these areas. Boaters are also reminded that approaching a right whale closer than 500 yards is a violation of federal and state law.Boaters can download the Whale Alert App for real time updates on Slow Zones and other right whale sightings. Please report all right whale sightings from Maine to Virginia at (866) 755-6622 or to the US Coast Guard via VHF CH16. All boaters from Maine to Virginia, or interested parties, can also sign up for email or text notifications about the latest Right Whale Slow Zones here. Visit the NOAA Fisheries website for more information.
Hudson Canyon Special Edition Reminder map for aggregation of North Atlantic right whales in NJ and NY

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