Suffolk County Vector Control: Mosquito Treatment Schedule

mosquito larvae
Mosquito larvae Accabonac saltmarsh Photo Susan McGraw-Keber

The survey of the saltmarsh has been an annual program that provides Suffolk County Vector Control with specific areas that have significant mosquito larvae present. The Trustees have organized and participated in this program for the last six years- this marks the seventh summer. The treatment consists of pellets instead of an over-all spraying of pesticide and targets only the “hot spots” of mosquito larvae.

Mosquito larval checks will take place early in the week of July 8 and 22nd, August 5, 18, and September 2nd.

The surveying will typically take place on the Monday of the week and if significant numbers of mosquito larvae are found, the pellet treatment of hotspots will take place during that week.

accabonac harbor salt Marsh map

Website by Michael Hansen