Meeting: June 24, 2024


I. Roll Call

II. Public Comment

III. New Business

  • Napeague Dredging – County – Needs Letter of Permission

IV. Old Business

V. Committee Reports

  • Harmful Algae Blooms (HABS) – report
Horseshoe Crab monitoring:
  • Final 2024 Season Counts
Mosquito Larvae Survey:
  • Update on the 2024 Accabonac Harbor Mosquito Larvae Survey
Pump Out Boats:
  • Update on activity

VI. Administrative

  • Payment of the Bills: a) East Hampton Marina – $178.82 & $149.10 (gas)
  • Minutes: The minutes for June 10, 2024 are available for review
  • Financials: The financials for the months ending March 31, 2024, and April 30, 2024, are available for review

VII. Report of the Clerk

Website by Michael Hansen