East Hampton Town Trustee and member of the Board of Trustees of the Life-Saving Station, David Cataletto, will be on hand to help with the First Annual Christmas Tree-Lighting.
The local Kiwanis organization and the Coast Guard Station are working together to provide a festive event for all in our community – there will be FREE hot cider, cookies, joyful holiday music, and children’s arts and crafts.
The Kiwanis Club of East Hampton would welcome and greatly appreciate donations of any new and unwrapped gifts for “Toys for Tots”. The donated gift(s) Kiwanis will be given to children in need in our East Hampton community.
All are invited to bring an ornament to decorate the tree – this event promises to be a festive and enjoyable Christmas Tree-Lighting Celebration!
The festive lighting will be held this Saturday, December 2nd, from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Our East Hampton Town Trustee, David Cataletto, looks forward to seeing you there!