Meeting: March 22, 2021


I. Roll Call:

II. Special Announcement:  Dr. Gobler will be presenting on April 12, not tonight.

III. Public Comment:

  1. Sara Davison, Georgica Pond Aquatic Weed Harvester
  2. Kevin McAllister of Defend H20 – FIMP
  3. Tyler Armstrong, representing Land Marks, on behalf of John McGinn and Cary Davis, owners of 275 Three Mile Harbor- Hog Creek Hwy, SCTM # 300-75-1-32.2.  They have an application in to construct a new dock in Three Mile Harbor.

IV. New Business:

V. Old Business:

  1. Powering of Soft Clams
  2. Sag Harbor Water Quality Initiative
  3. Consideration of Town draft code change regarding the fueling of Boats from Docks in Three Mile Harbor

VI. Committee Reports:

Accabonac/Hog creek:
  1. Application by Joel Halsey to legalize the replacement of a Boat Basin and walkway at 19 Isle of Wight Rd, SCTM# 300-37-2-6
  1. 2021 Captain William J. Rysam Scholarship Fund
Lazy Point/Napeague:
  1. Request from Ivan Silich, 50% leaseholder of 148 Shore Rd, Lot 39N, SCTM# 300-85-1-19.1, in Lazy Point, to transfer his 50% ownership of the lease that he shares with his daughter, Catharina Bahns to his son Andrija Silich.  Andrija has submitted his paperwork verifying he is a resident of the Town of East Hampton.
Northwest Creek:
  1. Request from Terry Singer, owner of 58 Hedges Bank Drive, SCTM# 300-035-01-1.18 to renew Trustee Permit T #20 for Bluff Restoration, with the same terms and conditions of the original permit.
Pump out Boat:
  1. Committee Update
  1. Update on new website

VII. Administrative:

  1. Payment of Bills:  a) Staples – $124.29; b) Optimum – $152.28.
  2. Purchase:  New pump for old Three Mile Harbor Boat – $5850
  3. Minutes:  December 14, 2021

VIII. Report of the Clerk:

Website by Michael Hansen