Meeting Agendas

Meeting: December 10, 2018

Agenda I. Roll Call: II. Public Comment: Kim Shaw – Marsh Remediation – Past, Present and FutureSi Kinsella and Dr. Christopher Gobler reporting on the work done at Wainscott Pond. III. New Business: Beaches: Application of Eric Blatstein owner of 211 Lily Pond Lane for Dune Restoration. Georgica: Application of

Meeting: November 26, 2018

Agenda I. Roll Call: II. Public Comment: III. New Business: Beaches: Beach Driving Roads: Crooked Highway – Permission to pave the Trustee Road IV. Committee Reports: Aquaculture: Suffolk County Shellfish Aquaculture Lease Program 10 year review advisory group. Meeting No. 1 Summary. Also request for addition to the list of

Meeting: November 16, 2018

Agenda I. Public Comment: Steve Boerner- report on investigation into ownership of Cartwright Island II. New Business: Beaches: Mollie Zweig at 11 West End Road – application for shoreline stabilization. Georgica: 25 Cove Hollow Road Robot, LLC and 25 Cove Hollow Road Unicorn, LLC at 25 Cove Hollow Road –

Meeting: October 22, 2018

Agenda I. Public Comment: II. New Business: Beaches: Kennedy – 40 Association Rd – Dune Restoration199 Lily Pond Lane, LLC – Renewal of Permit B #3-17 Three Mile Harbor: Ronald Milone – 28 Squaw Road – Floating Dock request III. Old Business: Georgica: Opening of the Georgica Pond GutDredging of

Meeting: October 12, 2018

Agenda I. Public Comment: II. New Business: Aquaculture: DEC Conditional Shellfish Harvesting ProgramSuffolk County Shellfish Aquaculture Lease Program Georgica: 1) 25 Cove Hollow Farm Road – Construct Access Walkway Napeague/Lazy Point: Pamela Keen – 177 Shore Road – Sublet LeaseEastman – 232 Shore Road – Close out Trustee PermitGardiner’s Bay/Napeague

Meeting: September 24, 2018

Agenda I. Public Comment: Steven Boerner – Cartwright Island II. New Business: Accabonac/Hog Creek: Adam Young – ZBA hearing – 19 Bay Inlet RoadSameh and Sylvia Iskander – ZBA hearing – 98 Runnymeade Dr.Building Inspector – ZBA hearing– 197 Norfolk Dr. Three Mile Harbor: Application from Drew Bennett on behalf

Website by Michael Hansen